Do you have questions about ICA Gruppen's sustainability work? Start with checking our list of frequently asked questions.
The strategic focus of ICA Gruppen’s sustainability work is set by the Board of Directors and is governed through strategic- and business planning processes. The Board decides on policies for business ethics and sustainability, sustainability reports (annual and quarterly), and follows up business ethics and sustainability issues.
Sustainability is integrated into ICA Gruppen's Ambition 2030 Group strategy, where one of four overarching ambition areas is to make it easier for customers to make sustainable choices. ICA Gruppen's operations will be industry leaders in their markets, driving development towards reduced climate impact and a more modern and sustainable food supply. They should also be the best in their respective markets when it comes to helping and inspiring customers to make sustainable choices.
Yes, ICA has been a signatory to the UN Global Compact business initiative since 2004 and takes responsibility for adhering to the Compact’s Ten Principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, the Environment, and Anti-Corruption.
ICA Gruppen has a number of policies that are mandatory for all employees and companies and which clarify rules and requirements for employees. These include a sustainability policy, a business ethics policy, and a customer policy. The requirements we set for our vendors are based on these policies and are laid out in contracts, which include clear wording on product safety, animal welfare, content, traceability, business ethics, the environment and social responsibility.
From a value chain perspective, a large share of ICA’s total carbon footprint comes from the production of food, and ICA has therefore adopted an ambition to reduce climate impact also from the production and consumption of food.
Read more about ICA Gruppen’s climate targets here ›
Read more about ICA Gruppen’s climate impact here ›
ICA Gruppen is engaged in a multitude of activities to reduce the climate impact from stores, pharmacies, warehouses and offices via e.g., refrigerants, electricity use, goods transports and business travel in both Sweden and the Baltic countries. ICA Gruppen’s own operations have been climate-neutral since 2020 through purchases of carbon offsets to compensate for any emissions that have not been eliminated by other means.
Read more about ICA’s climate ambition here ›
Read more about ICA’s carbon offsetting here ›
To drive and monitor its sustainability efforts, ICA Gruppen sets Group-wide targets in the prioritised focus areas. These are complemented by the targets set by each respective company and those set for specific issues.
ICA’s quality assurance work is grounded in clear routines and processes for ensuring traceability and control regarding its product range and the handling of goods. ICA puts great emphasis on quality assurance of its operations and is at the forefront among grocery retailers with respect to certification. ICA works with audits, traceability checks, reviews of product contents and labelling, product testing and structured quality assurance in both logistics and stores.
ICA Gruppen’s firm conviction is that all trade shall be conducted in a manner that respects human rights. ICA Gruppen sells products from around the world and needs to know where the products come from and under what conditions they were produced. ICA Gruppen does not accept discrimination, infringement of the right to organise and collectively bargain, child labour, forced labour, or other failures to comply with human rights. This is made clear in the company’s policies and in contracts with all suppliers. ICA Gruppen is also represented out in the world to better be able to collaborate with suppliers, control production and advocate for change through training initiatives, projects and partnerships with other industry actors. ICA Gruppen’s requirements are based on the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) core conventions. ICA Gruppen also supports Consumer Goods Forum’s Forced Labour Resolution. The overarching goal is that all of ICA Gruppen’s suppliers of corporate brand products in high-risk countries will have undergone a social audit.
ICA requires all palm oil used in its corporate brand products to be RSPO-certified. In ICA’s private label food products that contain palm oil, only segregated RSPO-certified palm oil is used. This means it is kept separate from uncertified oil throughout the production chain, all the way to the finished product. ICA Gruppen is a member of the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) – a non-profit organisation that develops and implements criteria for responsibly produced palm oil, so that it is cultivated in a way that is better for ecosystems and communities – and works with others in the industry to promote more responsibly produced and sustainable palm oil.
All soy that is used in ICA’s corporate brand products for human consumption, or as feed for meat and dairy producing animals, is responsibly produced. This means that 100% of the soy used for ICA’s private label products is certified according to a reliable standard or is covered by certificates for the corresponding volume. ICA Gruppen is a member of RTRS (Roundtable on Responsible Soy) and in the Swedish platform for risk-identified crops.
ICA Gruppen wants to contribute to better public health. By virtue of ICA Gruppen’s size and through cooperation, the various businesses within the Group are well-equipped to reach out and in various ways inspire people to live a healthier life – thereby making a difference to both individuals and society. The health aspects include not only preventive activities in the form of healthy eating habits and regular exercise, but also simple healthcare services and advice on both medicines and personal finances. ICA Gruppen’s shared health ambition identifies three focus areas, and children and young people are priority target groups. On of the focus areas is physical wellbeing – making it easier to live a healthier everyday life.
Increased consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes has both climate and health benefits. ICA Sweden has therefore set the target that customers’ purchases of fruit and vegetables are to equal the recommended consumption of at least 500 grams per person and day by 2025.
Through products that address issues concerning additives, diets, allergies and lifestyles, we can spread information and inspire customers to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This work is based on official Nordic dietary guidelines and nutritional recommendations.
We also carry on a continuous dialogue with politicians, authorities, trade colleagues and other stakeholders concerning how the retail trade can help reduce public health problems.
ICA’s products shall be produced under dignified conditions. Animals may not be treated badly, and natural ingredients shall not be altered without good and well-conceived purposes. We shall ensure good animal care as far as possible. By this we mean that
ICA Gruppen in general says no to all GMO labelled products, based on a precautionary principle. If we were to approve such a product, it must be based on an obvious customer benefit, ethically acceptable, and safe for humans and the environment. Such approval would be granted by ICA Gruppen’s management team. ICA Gruppen has at this time not approved any GMO labelled product.
Additives shall be used restrictively and provide clear value added for customers, such as improved nutritional value, safety, ease of handling, appearance and flavour. In content declarations, all ingredients shall be always be listed so that customers can make an informed decision. Certain additives may cause oversensitivity reactions or have other adverse effects. We monitor scientific reports surrounding additives and may choose to restrict their use in our private label products.
We not allow azo dyes in food products. Nor do we allow other colourants in basic foodstuffs such as butter, milk, cereals, flour, sugar, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables.
One of ICA’s overall goals is to be a positive force in society. Sponsorships are arranged in cooperation with organizations working for good purposes, healthy ways of living or good and healthy food.
The practical matters on sponsorships are handled by each company in ICA Gruppen.
ICA Gruppen has a tax policy, that is approved annually by the board. The policy describes guidelines for how tax matters should be handled in the group. ICA Gruppen is compliant with tax law in each country we have business in. All business decisions are taken on a commercial basis and tax effects are a consequence of these decisions.
ICA Gruppen creates jobs and contributes to tax revenues in the local economies where the Group operates.
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