ICAx - innovation in focus

In the autumn of 2017, the journey towards strengthening and extending ICA Gruppen's business through innovation began, when the innovation hub ICAx was started. ICAx is tasked with identifying and analyzing new business opportunities and innovations, and then translating them into new or updated offers to our customers.

The work within ICAx includes research, digital development projects, strategic collaborations with other companies and investments in start-ups.

ICAx areas


Insight work to increase understanding of customers' needs. What frictions does the customer face in everyday life? How can ICA contribute to a simpler everyday life? In parallel, there is constant monitoring and analysis of developments in the global tech area.

Own development

Develop and test various business models, innovations and technical solutions. The goal is to quickly create prototypes that are validated directly with employees and customers.

Partnerships and investments

Dialogue and collaborations with innovative tech companies, start-ups and competence centers to jointly drive development, become more flexible and fast-moving to contribute to new business and improvements for our customers. In some cases, it may also be an acquisition.

Is ICAx your next partner?

We are constantly working to find new ideas to create a better everyday life for our customers. Do you have a digital product, service or business idea where ICA Gruppen could be a potential partner? Don’t hesitate, get in touch with ICAx!
