ICA Växa - our innovation hub for a sustainable food system
ICA will contribute to a sustainable food system and promote the consumption and production of sustainable food and packaging. This means more affordable, tasty, and convenient alternatives that are sustainably grown and produced, if possible, in Sweden.

Welcome to ICA Växa
- our innovation hub for a sustainable food system

ICA will contribute to a sustainable food system and promote the consumption and production of sustainable food and packaging. This means more affordable, tasty, and convenient alternatives that are sustainably grown and produced, if possible, in Sweden.

In spring 2020, we released the report "The food revolution - sustainable food system for future generations" based on available research on climate and nutritional sustainability in the food system. The goal was to identify areas of change where ICA has the greatest opportunity to make a difference and accelerate the transition to a sustainable food system for Swedish food consumption.

The result was ICA Växa*, which drives and supports innovations that contribute to Diversity Farming where agriculture can flourish in line with biodiversity, a more Swedish food loop to recreate the proximity between producer and consumer, and Sustainable Food that contributes to the health of both people and the planet.

With ICA Växa we want to future-proof our assortment with sustainable and healthy innovations - for a good tomorrow. In collaboration with innovators, local suppliers, and partners, we are driving the development towards a sustainable food system.

*Växa means “grow” in Swedish

Want to know more about the background to ICA Växa?

Read our reports (in Swedish)
The Food Revolution - sustainable food system for future generations
Growing Together - the consumer and plant-based food in 2025

Take a look at ICA's Future Meeting 2021 (in Swedish), where the focus of the meeting was on the development of Swedish plant-based food and consumer drivers and behaviors.

Listen to our podcast (in Swedish) ICA Growing Together

Our objectives

Together with all our customers, stores, and even our competitors, ICA Växa is working to future-proof the product range for a better tomorrow. We are happy to take responsibility by leading the development and take a stand for what is truly sustainable. Not just at product level, but throughout the value chain - from soil to recycling. It should be easy to make the "right" decision.

ICA Växa focuses on ICA's goals for A Good Tomorrow:
- By 2030, we have reduced the climate impact of our customers' purchases by 30 percent
- By 2025, we have further increased our share of Swedish products in our assortment
- By 2025, all our private label products' plastic consumer packaging is recyclable
- 2025 we have reduced our food waste by half

Our focus areas

To promote the consumption and production of Swedish, plant-based and sustainably produced food, the entire value chain must work together to create significant change. The development also needs to be based on the drivers of consumers.

ICA Växa works in three areas:
- Innovation and concept development
- Packaging development
- Collaboration and open innovation